There are a good number of wikis available for creating project, sharing information
few of them are


A wiki for small and medium team. Its provide professional to easy to use web workspace where you can collect, manage and dicuss your work.

TWiki Open Source wiki for the enterprise

Twiki is a flexible, powerful and easy to use enterprise wiki for collaboration platform and knowledge management system. It is structured wiki used for project development space, document management system, or other groupware tool.


PBwiki it is one of the largest house of business has 400,000 communities and more pages than wikipedia.Many large companies are using for thier intranet and inhouse wiki.


Dokuwiki is a standards-complaint, simple to use wiki which allow user to create rich documentation and repositories.


Its approach is to breakdown information in manageable which its call tiddler. tiddler can be tagged, then searched by its tag to obtain a group of similar items.
tiddlywiki can be customized with your needs using plugin that can be easily added.